Highlights of the Episode
- There are three hearts. One that we show to strangers. Second we show it to family, friends, people we care for. Three we do not show it to anyone, which is completely ours.
- Dave Kalstein ended the “what’s in the Box?” with a Box in the Box. Something that he started in 4x14-Kill House for Densi. That was his "Touche" to all Densi Fans. You want to know. Here let me open it for you. The deconstructing of the Love Story.
- And his Kensi(DK calls Kensi his alter-ego) would have talked about “The Thing” had Deeks given the chance. Unfortunately we would not know what it would have been. To break off with Deeks or to make Deeks talk? We cannot know and its the end of Densi.
- Game for Game - Commoditising A Love Story -Hetty uses Densi to have a breakthrough into Angelo.
The talk about the ‘Thing’ that was so hyped up because of the need for the resolution for Densi story as a way forward. What was the resolution? The unanimous resolution of the #NCISLA Scribe is that, Densi’s “thing” is a mysterious Box within a Box. It could be a “Beginning of the End” or “End of the Beginning” in the ominous tones of Henrietta Lange. She still provides us that hope that it is the end of the beginning. So it can mean it could be beginning of the middle or whatever comes after beginning and “end” it cannot be because she disagreed with Granger.
If one is practical enough not to let emotions run, one can see that “thing” has been left as it is untouched. Except that Deeks became vocal and called it off before waiting for Kensi to even start. Did Deeks feel that Kensi was going to call it off? Was Kensi really calling it off? But that’s the “thing”. Kensi belongs to writers camp. And Kensi cannot make up her mind because the writers cannot yet. And Deeks being the outsider, its him who is played. Give him hope one moment. Dash his hopes next moment. And as vocal as Deeks can get about his hurt, he tosses the thing back to Kensi. She can make up her mind and come out with it. And when she does it better not be something about saying it would not work, because contrary to whatever they say, Deeks believes that “Racoons mate for life”.
The Densi relationship today stands at painful receiving end for Deeks. He had invested himself so much in that relationship, that it showed him how he could lose himself “heart of darkness”, that heart which he would never have wished anyone to see. But it did spill over and Sergeant Makar could see (in 5x19-Spoils of War). His fear is that in days to come, he might end up showing his third heart unwittingly to others like “Angelo”. He could compromise his mission because of his vested interest in Kensi’s well being. Kensi asks him what does his third heart tell him? Now why would Kensi think, Deeks is going to do something that his third heart decides and tell her then itself ? Is she confident enough to know that his answer from his second heart would be influenced by the third heart? Eitherways, Deeks even from a serious point, finally succumbed to “complications” of falling in love with a partner. Its all over Joe Sachs 5x16-Fish Out of the Water. Deeks took a lesson from Talia and unfettered himself from Kensi, just as she would have released him, had he not taken that step of releasing her.
All that remains of Densi, is that they are partners. Partners are back. And no more Lovers. Home is NCIS LA office. Not the Home of Deeks. A tough decision it was to make, but taken anyways by Deeks. Kensi still tries to keep the idea of The Box, floating. But Deeks calls it Touche and moves on. He needs something more than just a casual "Thing" He wants a Love Story. No less than that.
Beginning of the End or End of the Beginning!
The End of Profanity
The End of Indecisivness
The End of Beating around the Bushes
The End of Hide and Seek
The End of How it Began. The "This Thing" "No Thing" "Our Thing"
Its the Beginning of serious commitment - Its a Love Story
Its the Beginning of serious consideration.
It was Deeks all over again, with his Love Story. A repeat of 5x16-Fish Out of Water mental state leading to 5x19-Spoils of War vulnerable state, seeking a release from the 5x10-FrozenLake. Can he be patient with Kensi? He can be provided Kensi wants to. Is Kensi serious enough about him. Yes. To the point of her letting him go to protect him. What does Deeks do? Take the plunge. He lets her go and do whatever she wants to do with him. He will wait for her.
In 5x16-Fish Out of Water, Joe Sachs weaves a story for Densi and Deeks, with the serious side of the “Love Story” coming up for the first time after Frozen Lake. The complication of two working partners falling in love and what implications each can have regards to his or her career is touched upon through the Guest character DEA Agent Talia. And yet by the end of the episode, Deeks is adamant about what he wants. If he fell in love with his work-partner and it has become a purposeful and meaningful existence for him, makes him a better person, he would fight for all of it, and be ready for any kind of fight he has to take up with his authorities. The simple human reason being, how can falling in love be demeaned as complicated if one can be reasonable enough to work it out.
The Fight between Being Professional and Personal
For all of these arguments, there are consequences and the persons, who ask these sort of questions get charged of breaking the law, like Paulo Angelo, but in the end, their question is valid enough for us to put our thoughts to amend a wrong. We can see that the emotional meltdown that Deeks goes through in 5x16-FishOutofWater consequences both professionally and personally, he starts to fight for his own individuality, his beliefs, all that his existence is made of in the subsequent episodes. It starts becoming a fight between him and authority as represented by Henrietta Lange and a fight between him and professionalism as represented by Special Agent Kensi Blye. In 5x19-SpoilsofWar, Deeks disproves Hetty that he can let his emotions get in the middle of the rescue operation. Even if he loses himself briefly, Deeks finds his ground and is instrumental in rescuing all the others. And continuing with his spirit of talking back to Hetty for being right, although well within the permissible limits of "talking back" to his Boss, Deeks demands of Hetty, when is she going to allow Kensi to work with him. "I want my partner back". That happens in 5x20-Windfall. There is clear articulation of Hetty remarking on Deeks questions, "yet you question about my judgement". Deeks though acting subservient to Hetty, does not relent on what he personally thinks of her decision. Hetty does relent, He lets Kensi start working with Deeks, agreeing that she cannot hold back her forever in the Ops room away from the field, away from her partner.
And after working a case together, Deeks goes for another rebellious questioning with Kensi and shows her what he thinks of her personal investment towards him. That's in 5x21-Three Hearts. Kensi's indecisiveness towards their relationship, Deeks sees it as a professional affront to his capabilities as seen through her personal and professionally critical eyes. So just by being a good work-partner to her, he lets go off the personal dangling "thing" between them, showing Kensi that if she prefers professionalism, then so be it. He breaks away from her. Its slam dunk case he makes for himself against two judging women against his professional integrity. One has to either trust or distrust. One cannot be in perpetual doubtful state of "is he going to be one of us or be the weakling or a traitor, just because he is good at his undercover persona or wears his heart on his sleeve." Deeks neither can let Kensi become the DEA Agent like Talia, who can go ahead and dump him nor can let himself get turned into Paulo Angelo the "doubted" as the NCIS under Hetty make of him. Slam Dunk rebellion of the Crass Distrust and the mockery that Hetty makes of his Love Story by sending him into the Interrogation Room to question Angelo, something that was so personal to him treated as a commodity by others.
5x21 - Three Hearts
There are three hearts. One that we show to strangers. Second we show it to family, friends, people we care for. Three we do not show it to anyone, which is completely ours.
Dave Kalstein
Kyle Harimoto
[And for also the Densi Love Story]
The Deconstructing of Densi Love Story.
Dave Kalstein ended the “what’s in the Box?” with a Box in the Box. Something that he started in 4x14-Kill House for Densi. And his Kensi(DK’s Alter-ego) would have talked about “The Thing” had Deeks given the chance. Unfortunately we would not know what it would have been. To break off with Deeks or to make Deeks talk? We cannot know and its the end of Densi. The Season of Love Story should end. A resolution needs to be brought in. And that is what happens end 5x21-Three Hearts. Dave Kalstein successfully breaks up Densi without breaking the Love Story at all. Racoons mate for life. Deeks and Kensi belong to each other. But as long as they are working, its better they keep their love story apart. That is the moral of the story. However from a writer perspective, what is beautiful is that, Dave Kalstein successfully is able to explain that its difficult to write or show something about a couple who are meant to be together, who are connected on platonic levels so much, that other things do not matter. Here is a couple, who deeply mean something for each other, that they are willing to sacrifice their heart for the other. Deeks does what Kensi intended to, though his heart bleeds while doing so. And that is his love story. The talk about the ‘Thing’ that was so hyped up because of the need for the resolution for Densi story as a way forward. What was the resolution? The unanimous resolution of the #NCISLA Scribe is that, Densi’s “thing” is a mysterious Box within a Box. It could be a “Beginning of the End” or “End of the Beginning” in the ominous tones of Henrietta Lange. She still provides us that hope that it is the end of the beginning. So it can mean it could be beginning of the middle or whatever comes after beginning and “end” it cannot be because she disagreed with Granger. If one is practical enough not to let emotions run, one can see that “thing” has been left as it is untouched. Except that Deeks became vocal and called it off before waiting for Kensi to even start. Did Deeks feel that Kensi was going to call it off? Was Kensi really calling it off? But that’s the “thing”. Kensi belongs to writers camp. And Kensi cannot make up her mind because the writers cannot yet. And Deeks being the outsider, its him who is played. Give him hope one moment. Dash his hopes next moment. And as vocal as Deeks can get about his hurt, he tosses the thing back to Kensi. She can make up her mind and come out with it. And when she does it better not be something about saying it would not work, because contrary to whatever they say, Deeks believes that “Racoons mate for life”. The Densi relationship today stands at painful receiving end for Deeks. He had invested himself so much in that relationship, that it showed him how he could lose himself “heart of darkness”, that heart which he would never have wished anyone to see. But it did spill over and Sergeant Makar could see (in 5x19-Spoils of War). His fear is that in days to come, he might end up showing his third heart unwittingly to others like “Angelo”. He could compromise his mission because of his vested interest in Kensi’s well being. Kensi asks him what does his third heart tell him? Now why would Kensi think, Deeks is going to do something that his third heart decides and tell her then itself ? Is she confident enough to know that his answer from his second heart would be influenced by the third heart? Eitherways, Deeks even from a serious point, finally succumbed to “complications” of falling in love with a partner. Its all over Joe Sachs 5x16-Fish Out of the Water. Deeks took a lesson from Talia and unfettered himself from Kensi, just as she would have released him, had he not taken that step of releasing her. All that remains of Densi, is that they are partners. Partners are back. And no more Lovers. Home is NCIS LA office. Not the Home of Deeks. A tough decision it was to make, but taken anyways by Deeks. Kensi still tries to keep the idea of The Box, floating. But Deeks calls it Touche and moves on. He needs something more than just a casual "Thing" He wants a Love Story. No less than that. Beginning of the End or End of the Beginning! The End of Profanity The End of Indecisivness The End of Beating around the Bushes The End of Hide and Seek The End of How it Began. The "This Thing" "No Thing" "Our Thing" Its the Beginning of serious commitment - Its a Love Story Its the Beginning of serious consideration.
It was Deeks all over again, with his Love Story. A repeat of 5x16-Fish Out of Water mental state leading to 5x19-Spoils of War vulnerable state, seeking a release from the 5x10-FrozenLake. Can he be patient with Kensi? He can be provided Kensi wants to. Is Kensi serious enough about him. Yes. To the point of her letting him go to protect him. What does Deeks do? Take the plunge. He lets her go and do whatever she wants to do with him. He will wait for her.
Diana Valentine
| |
Eric Wilson
| |
Episode Summary
Paul Angelo - an NCIS Agent is gone rogue. Team NCIS LA has to assess on which side he is, finish Angelo’s Op.
Paul Angelo works undercover for Tyler Brunson, a smuggler, who has been using Navy Ships to smuggle his contraband merchandize specifically through US Watertown. Angelo has been in undercover for 19 months. He has worked so deep undercover that, his true name is wiped out. Paulo Angelo is all what he has for his record. He had fallen in love with Brunson’s wife Olivia and that has become his third heart to be exposed, caused him to be a traitor.
And that’s a lesson Paulo Angelo keeps giving to Deeks that he has to protect his Third Heart. Deeks does take his lesson, returns Kensi’s knife to her. The knife is just a knife to cut things.
NCIS Personnel Highlights and Bull Pen Fun
Deeks and Kensi - find back their Groove as Partners. Decide to slide back being Lovers.
Why is Kensi coming to the Bull pen from upstairs? Cannot fathom.
The episode is about Densi deciding to break-up as personally it might get detrimental to both of them in the long run. As shown in “Paulo Angelo” character. Otherwise they are back in the game of being partners in sync.
Ops Manager/s
OPs Manager Hetty Lange
Asst Director Owen Granger
Over Densi:
Granger “Beginning of the End”
Hetty: “End of the Beginning”
Over Angelo
Bad News: We do not know whether he is our friend or enemy.
Good News: He doesn’t know himself either.
Granger to Angelo: Would have shot you, but feel free to go.
Hetty to Angelo: Have helped you for your third heart. Now you owe me for the rest of your life.
Partnership 1-
G Callen & Sam Hanna
(later joined by Deeks and Kensi)
Eric calls Scallen TNT : Teenage Ninja Turtles
Callen wears Deeks Homeless Coat with the stench. And Deeks answer to Callen’s “Never Again”. Stench - “That’s the whole point. Half the actors roam like that around LA like they are Homeless.”
Callen to Sam: “Covert is something that Hannah family doesn’t know what it means?”
Partnership -2
Marty Deeks - LAPD Liaison Officer
Kensi Blye -Special Agent
Three Hearts.
One for US as Partners
One for US as Soul Mates
One for Each of Ours Only.
Lets just be Partners. Back with a Bang. Rock and Roll.
Do you have plans for tonight? Eric interrupts.
About the Thing...I don't know what to do with the Thing.
A Knife is just a Knife. Its still sharp and can cut the Box.
Box within a Box. Touche
Allegiance: Can I trust you...because you love Kensi.
Deeks felt outraged coming out of the Boatshed Interrogation of Paulo Angelo, and feels like taking a shower. And how he deals with it is at the end of the episode actually is his step to protect his third heart. Hetty asked Deeks in 5x05-Unwritten Rule, "How's your emotional Center?". And Kensi asked in 5x21-ThreeHearts, "What does your Third Heart say?" A long journey indeed for Deeks to learn that one can be exploited even by the persons you trust most. It is perhaps too early for me to even say this, but one cannot ignore the vibes we get. Hard as it was for Deeks to break away from Kensi, but he just got his personal dignity back by securing his Third Heart.
All that remains of Densi, is that they are partners. Partners are back. And no more Lovers. Home is NCIS LA office. Not the Home of Deeks. A tough decision it was to make, but taken anyways by Deeks. Kensi still tries to keep the idea of The Box, floating. But Deeks calls it Touche and moves on. He needs something more than just a casual "Thing" He wants a Love Story. No less than that . |
Ops Room Partnership
Eric Beale- Tech Operator
Nell Jones - Intelligence Analyst
Case Briefing.
Eric interrupts Densi, but with “do not care” attitude : “I do not know what plans you might have tonight, but case….” Shows shift in writers mind about private conversations can wait..
Love Story
Densi - Deeks and Kensi
Love Story Deconstructed. Read Writers Section above.
Talia in 5x16-Fish out of Water is Kensi's duplicate copy. Angelo in 5x21-Three Hearts is Deeks duplicate copy (being adept at undercover). Both the end samples of their future duplicate copies does not seem right for Deeks. And he decides to end it. Love story gets platonic meaning. They are mates for life or soulmates.
Otherwise, its Deeks Slam Dunk case against Hetty and Kensi who question his professional integrity, when he fights for his personal Love Story getting commoditized for professional returns.
It was Deeks all over again, with his Love Story. A repeat of 5x16-Fish Out of Water mental state leading to 5x19-Spoils of War vulnerable state, seeking a release from the 5x10-FrozenLake. Can he be patient with Kensi? He can be provided Kensi wants to. Is Kensi serious enough about him. Yes. To the point of her letting him go to protect him. What does Deeks do? Take the plunge. He lets her go and do whatever she wants to do with him. He will wait for her.
Van Halen, Crocodile, TNT
Crocodile - A narcotic variety
Van Halen - A Hard Rock Band (that I never listened to!)
Loved this analysis as well.
In crew's terms this is known as 520-117
The Production Crew has different numbers than what later became the air sequence. Season 4 Production Schedule had an extra episode shot which was telecasted as Unwritten Rule 5x05-101 in airing reality. This changed the sequence numbers for all the season 5 episodes either in terms of Season Episode number or actual episode number for show's grand total serial number. Three Hearts realistically becomes 521-117 for Viewers.
Production Planning and Rollout - Prepping - 7 Business days days | Shooting -7 Business days | Post Production - 7 Business days | Promotions - 2 weeks before Air date
Story writing/Script : 24th February 2014
Prepping - 24th February to 5th March
Promotions: CBS
CBS2 Air Date : April 15th 2014.
CBS2 Rating :
NCIS: LOS ANGELES won time period in viewers and demographics while NCIS was the night's most-watched broadcast, according to Nielsen preliminary live plus same day ratings for Tuesday, April 15.
NCIS: LOS ANGELES was first in viewers (14.68m), adults 25-54 (3.2/08) and adults 18-49 (2.1/06). NCIS: LOS ANGELES was tied as the night's #1 scripted program in adults 18-49 with NCIS.
Writer : Dave Kalstein and Kyle Harimoto
Director : Diane Valentine
1st Assistant Director : Suzanne Saltz
2nd Asst Director: Hillary Cohen
Co Producer: Christopher J Molnar, Chad W Murray, Jordana Lewis Jaffe
Producer : Joseph C Wilson, Eric Whitmyre, Kyle Harimoto, David Bellisario, Rick Tunell
Consulting Producer : Joe Sachs, Gil Grant
Supervising Producer : Dave Kalstein
Co-Executive Producer : Frank Military
Executive Producer : John Peter Kousakis, R Scott Jemmill
Assistants to Executive Producer : Chad Mazero , Samantha Chasse and Sarah K Mosse
Production Designer: Thomas Fichter
Director of Photography : Victor Hammer
Editing : Eric Wilson
Music : Jay Ferguson
Unit Production Manager : Rick Tunell
Casting : Suzanne Bluestein. CSA|Jason Kennedy CSA
Casting Associates : Meredith Forney and Krysty Baxter
Costume Designer: Darry Levine
Art Director : Anthony Parrillo
Set Decorator : Michele Poulik
Property Master : Steven B Melton
Make-up Artist : Chris Burgoyne
Hair Stylist : Brooks Stenstrom
Production Coordinator : Laura P Napoli
Assistant Prod Coordinator : Adam Rex
Set Production Assistant : Jimmy Ramirez
Production Accountant : Mathew Klipper
1st Production Accountant : Dana Micahaelsen
Art Department Coordinator :
Location Manager : Tony Salome
Stunt Coordinator : Troy Brown
Special Effects Supervisor : Don Frazee
Production Sounds Mixer : David M Schneider
Construction Coordinator: Mike Brooks
Construction Assistant : Krista Schoenbaum
Transportation Coordinator : Dave Bassett
Script Supervisor : Diana Valentine
Script Coordinator : Jimmy Donchey
A Camera Operator : Russell McEllhatton
B Camera Operator : Terence Nightingall
Gaffer : David B Jarell
Key Grip : Jeryll L Marshall
Assistant Editor : John McKnight
Post Production Supervisor : Dillom Gemmill
Sound Supervisor: Wilson Dyer MPSE
Post Production : Digital Film Tree
Post Production Sound : Larsen Studios
Re recording Mixer : Chris Haire CAS, Alexey Mohr
Online editor : Jacob Tillman
VFX Supervisor : Dylan Chudzynski
Colorists : Patrick Woodard
Music Supervisor : Mark Wiki
ADR Supervisor : Jay Keiser
Sound Effects Editor : Kevin Fischer
Theme by : James S Levine
Technical Advisor : Osama Shofani USMC (ret)
Multi Media Coordination : Justin Maradiegue
Specialized Imagery, Software and Promotional Consideration : Furnished by Lockheed and Pictometry International Corporation
Sponsored by Microsoft Corporation
Production Planning and Rollout - Prepping - 7 Business days days | Shooting -7 Business days | Post Production - 7 Business days | Promotions - 2 weeks before Air date
Story writing/Script : 24th February 2014
Prepping - 24th February to 5th March
- Concept Meeting -
- Departmental Meetings : Video Effects Meeting, Stunts and Special Effects Meeting, Casting, Costumes
- Location/Tech Scouting :
- Table Read : End of Prepping and before shooting starts
Shoot Schedule : 6th March to 17th March
Post Production : 18th March to 27th March
Press Release : Storyline - 4th April |Photos - 4th April
http://www.cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/releases/view?id=38585Press Release : Storyline - 4th April |Photos - 4th April
Promotions: CBS
CBS2 Air Date : April 15th 2014.
CBS2 Rating :
NCIS: LOS ANGELES won time period in viewers and demographics while NCIS was the night's most-watched broadcast, according to Nielsen preliminary live plus same day ratings for Tuesday, April 15.
NCIS: LOS ANGELES was first in viewers (14.68m), adults 25-54 (3.2/08) and adults 18-49 (2.1/06). NCIS: LOS ANGELES was tied as the night's #1 scripted program in adults 18-49 with NCIS.
Writer : Dave Kalstein and Kyle Harimoto
Director : Diane Valentine
1st Assistant Director : Suzanne Saltz
2nd Asst Director: Hillary Cohen
Co Producer: Christopher J Molnar, Chad W Murray, Jordana Lewis Jaffe
Producer : Joseph C Wilson, Eric Whitmyre, Kyle Harimoto, David Bellisario, Rick Tunell
Consulting Producer : Joe Sachs, Gil Grant
Supervising Producer : Dave Kalstein
Co-Executive Producer : Frank Military
Executive Producer : John Peter Kousakis, R Scott Jemmill
Assistants to Executive Producer : Chad Mazero , Samantha Chasse and Sarah K Mosse
Production Designer: Thomas Fichter
Director of Photography : Victor Hammer
Editing : Eric Wilson
Music : Jay Ferguson
Unit Production Manager : Rick Tunell
Casting : Suzanne Bluestein. CSA|Jason Kennedy CSA
Casting Associates : Meredith Forney and Krysty Baxter
Costume Designer: Darry Levine
Art Director : Anthony Parrillo
Set Decorator : Michele Poulik
Property Master : Steven B Melton
Make-up Artist : Chris Burgoyne
Hair Stylist : Brooks Stenstrom
Production Coordinator : Laura P Napoli
Assistant Prod Coordinator : Adam Rex
Set Production Assistant : Jimmy Ramirez
Production Accountant : Mathew Klipper
1st Production Accountant : Dana Micahaelsen
Art Department Coordinator :
Location Manager : Tony Salome
Stunt Coordinator : Troy Brown
Special Effects Supervisor : Don Frazee
Production Sounds Mixer : David M Schneider
Construction Coordinator: Mike Brooks
Construction Assistant : Krista Schoenbaum
Transportation Coordinator : Dave Bassett
Script Supervisor : Diana Valentine
Script Coordinator : Jimmy Donchey
A Camera Operator : Russell McEllhatton
B Camera Operator : Terence Nightingall
Gaffer : David B Jarell
Key Grip : Jeryll L Marshall
Assistant Editor : John McKnight
Post Production Supervisor : Dillom Gemmill
Sound Supervisor: Wilson Dyer MPSE
Post Production : Digital Film Tree
Post Production Sound : Larsen Studios
Re recording Mixer : Chris Haire CAS, Alexey Mohr
Online editor : Jacob Tillman
VFX Supervisor : Dylan Chudzynski
Colorists : Patrick Woodard
Music Supervisor : Mark Wiki
ADR Supervisor : Jay Keiser
Sound Effects Editor : Kevin Fischer
Theme by : James S Levine
Technical Advisor : Osama Shofani USMC (ret)
Multi Media Coordination : Justin Maradiegue
Specialized Imagery, Software and Promotional Consideration : Furnished by Lockheed and Pictometry International Corporation
Sponsored by Microsoft Corporation
Chris O’Donnell (NCIS Special Agent G. Callen)
LL COOL J (NCIS Special Agent Sam Hanna)
Linda Hunt (Henrietta "Hetty” Lange)
Daniela Ruah (NCIS Special Agent Kensi Blye)
Eric Christian Olsen (LAPD Detective Marty Deeks)
Barrett Foa (Tech Operator Eric Beale)
Renée Felice Smith (NCIS Intelligence Analyst Nell Jones)
Miguel Ferrer (NCIS Assistant Director Owen Granger)
Daniel Henney (Paul Angelo)
Stephen Wozniak (Tyler Brunson)
Emily Baldoni (Olivia Brunson)
J. Teddy Garces (Guard #1)
Kaleti Williams (Venice OG)
Brent Gutierrez (Venice Homie #1)
Nick Massouh (Mazhar Tarik)
Yvonee Huff (Bethany)
Twitter News
thewingsofnight this is hilarious... #ncisla http://instagram.com/p/nRHfqxx345/
My gift to kharimoto and @davekalstein after the 3 hearts episode. Kalstein's T-shirt size is EXTRA… http://instagram.com/p/nMWw_QtuPP/
Dude. @ericcolsen I just wrote you a 52-page monologue for Season 6. #NCISLA
Every outfit in Hetty's closet has an ace up it's sleeve. Last night's #NCISLA: http://bit.ly/PPqnqg pic.twitter.com/8SXCpqQWjq
@Ladydi2000 Life is easy with a great director.
Another clean sweep for #NCISLA last night. #1 in the demo and #1 in Total Viewers. Big thanks to all of the Fans!
Anybody got a good metaphor for #1 in its time slot, #1 in 18-49 demographic, & #1 w/ 14.7 million total viewers? #NCISLA #threehearts
Rehearsal during "Three Hearts". @Ladydi2000 @davekalstein @Harimoto @daniel henney #ncisla pic.twitter.com/VGtEkMUsfB
How it looks when a relatively crucial scene is written in the Hair & Makeup trailer 5 mins before shooting. #NCISLA pic.twitter.com/iIXciEAZTU
Sudden bursts of confusion, excitement, & anger mean you're either in love, absorbed, or simply along for the ride. We'll take that. #NCISLA
Special #NCISLA thanks to Tuhon @RafaelKayanan who taught Angelo to fight & taught me about counter-interrogation! pic.twitter.com/g6xJRfT29x
Thanks to all #NCISLA fans who watched last night's episode! Whole cast, crew, & fearless leader @Ladydi2000 stepped up for me & @Harimoto!
@davekalstein @Harimoto Yes thank you all! I have read that some if you are sad. Don't be. The twist and turns are what makes #NCISLA great!
.@Talyas247 @jacqniv My hair only comes down when Linda Hunt starts riffing on scene metaphysics...which she calls "The Woo Woo". #NCISLA
Congrats to @Ladydi2000 @davekalstein @Harimoto Great episode tonight! You all made #bestcastandcrewinhollywood PROUD! #NCISLA
#Densi defines the relationship! Get behind the scenes extras to 2nite's #NCISLA when you Sync http://bit.ly/Z1Khw6 pic.twitter.com/GnHtkVx1Nq
"Three Hearts" Peek: During which we discovered Kensi knows Van Halen quite a bit more than @DanielaRuah... #NCISLA http://www.cbs.com/shows/ncis_los_angeles/video/_SmDt_u6_FSLVSoWn5YlGhIm76mMC98d/ncisla-kid-s-got-skills/ …
An undercover NCIS agent goes rogue Tuesday on #NCISLA. Preview: http://bit.ly/1kY6JU6
1 day till "Three Hearts" airs: Callen & Sam match wits w/ the most psychotic villain we've seen this season (played by @thewozzer). #NCISLA
@davekalstein Doing my Taxes. One day left. Did Kensi and Granger file their taxes yet??? Hahaha!!!
Great article by @wikiDeeks on #NCISLA writers who built the Kensi/Deeks relationship. Featuring Densi pioneers @JoeyWilson57 & @GilGrant!
@davekalstein @JoeyWilson57 @GilGrant Oh! Wow!! Even I had written one in Dec'13 and I keep updating.CanIGet2AddMine? …http://ncisla-episodeanalysisbysd.blogspot.com/2013/12/the-densi-graph-watershed-deal-breaker.html …
Tune in Tuesday night, 9pm, CBS #

#NCISLA Dir.by@Ladydi2000 Written by @Harimoto @davekalstein One outstanding Ep. #Densifanswilllike

Deeks and Kensi have "The Talk" Tuesday on #NCISLA. First Look Photos: http://bit.ly/1kOjDnr pic.twitter.com/1DSQGSKlcd
5 days till "Three Hearts" airs! Yep, it picks up right where "The Frozen Lake" left off... #NCISLA #trustyourtraining
Your wish is granted @NaverKaas! @danielhenney will be appearing on NCISLA in April. @MagicBranch & I are big fans.
Day 8 of "Three Hearts": I've been told the secret's out... @Harimoto @danielhenney #NCISLA pic.twitter.com/9PZED55GF4
Retweeted by Dave Kalstein
Thanks to d cast n crew of #NCISLA for everything!! You all were so welcoming..thank you! @DanielaRuah @ericcolsen @davekalstein @Harimoto
Retweeted by Dave Kalstein
NCISLA "Three Hearts" Day 8: When writing, always leave the characters better than you found them.
Resting up today for an exciting week. EP.520 wraps,EP.521 begins.The season is winding down to spectacular episodes #staytuned #NCISLA
Shout out to @Harimoto and @davekalstein !!! That undercover scenario was hot. #CoolWriters. . #Flavor. #NCISLA
Today's view from set. Benedict Canyon in Beverly Hills. #GreatCommuteTime #NCISLA http://instagram.com/p/lih-K2I5ee/
Grips in the mist. Thanks for the caption @greggerardo. #ncisla #setlife #gripchannel. @ Benedict Canyon http://instagram.com/p/lhseiggm-5/
@johnscottmills @GregGerardo that's because they didn't have this today. #ncisla pic.twitter.com/tpqvdhmUiE
Just a little car candy! #ncisla @johnscottmills @jacqniv @Harimoto @davekalstein @MatthewGodbey @jpkouz pic.twitter.com/LjWjh0wb2N
@NCISLAMagazine @Ladydi2000 @johnscottmills @jacqniv @Harimoto @davekalstein @MatthewGodbey @jpkouz pic.twitter.com/iSDwLwjxSa
@Ladydi2000 @johnscottmills @jacqniv @Harimoto @davekalstein @MatthewGodbey brought to you by: #ncisla #bestcrewinhollywood
Day 6 #NCISLA and another great one! Thanks Kyle Harimoto for the pic!! http://instagram.com/p/lgkyv3Miv_/
My attempt at the ericcolsen squint. #hethinksthatswhatamericawants http://instagram.com/p/lfS08-x336/
One of my favorite #ncisla directors, lady di crushing it on day 6 of ep. 20. danielaruah… http://instagram.com/p/lfR7eONuKu/
What's in Kensi's trunk...? A sniper rifle and a messy gym bag. Don't know why I expected anything… http://instagram.com/p/lfO9gER3yL/
I must say with every episode I do I find the cast and crew on #ncisla more amazing! Thanks for the fantastic job! @johnscottmills @jacqniv
@Ladydi2000 @jacqniv 83 set ups in one day. That's impressive. We should do this all the time but with less set ups and a longer lunch.
@johnscottmills @jacqniv LOL!!
#NCISLA PLEASE see last tweet! @GregGerardo @Harimoto @davekalstein @jpkouz @TheWilsonian @ericcolsen @llcoolj @chrisodonnell @DanielaRuah
Nice and quiet until the shooting started. @Ladydi2000 @Harimoto @davekalstein #ncisla pic.twitter.com/Go3e2xIQPk
NCISLA "Three Hearts" Day 4: Rock n' roll. Callen & Sam. A girl, a knife, & a whistle. And some dialogue tweaks... pic.twitter.com/BQH0osz1EI
Gimme an N! gimme a C! Gimme an I! Gimme an S! Gimme an L! Gimme an A! What does it spell?? #NCISLA!… http://instagram.com/p/lYOrlmR30A/
NCISLA "Three Hearts" Day 3: Wait till you guys see our special guest star's tour de force performance. Living the dream w/ @Harimoto...
A meeting of the minds. The interrogator becomes the interrogated. Another great script from… http://instagram.com/p/lX6WJptuG_/
Which guy's the on screen talent? "@ericcolsen: A meeting of the minds. The interrogator becomes the interrogated. http://Instagram.com/p/lX6WJptuG_/ ”
Diana Valentine @Ladydi2000
The ladies of the DGA! #NCISLA #❤️❤️❤️ pic.twitter.com/IoZSn5LEVv
NCISLA "Three Hearts" Day 2: Perfect lighting. @Harimoto & I admiring the handiwork of the #Bestcrewinhollywood pic.twitter.com/d0vy9UHZ9p
Today's view from set #NCISLA http://instagram.com/p/lQsT1XI5Sw/
Maybe the best basecamp ever? So in love with today. http://instagram.com/p/lQjIHutuKm/
Hetty & Granger vs. bad guy in interrogation today. I'll let you guess who won.
Shooting in a huge warehouse demands that u spend your lunch hour skateboarding through the dimly lit… http://instagram.com/p/lNxNRXtuM9/
NCISLA "Three Hearts" Production Day 1: Rolexes & Handcuffs. Literal and figurative. Hell yes.
Diana Valentine @Ladydi2000
Morning first day - the equipment's still asleep!
#NCISLA http://instagram.com/p/lNUx9BMims/
#ncisla First day of Episode 520 Directed by @ladydi2000 #bestcrewinhollywood pic.twitter.com/1xRBjnBojc
Today's #NCISLA Table Read... No Lord of the Flies here. Just getting the band back together and jamming. Plus a fight rehearsal after!
Another successful table read for ep 520 #ncisla http://instagram.com/p/lLjgaXuRMl/
@lnapoli06 @davekalstein @Harimoto I see the guest actor that DK and KH keep talking about!!! Haha!! Next to Harimoto San.Thank you Laura:)
Table Read Day. It could turn out awesome...or it could turn into Lord Of The Flies. Onwards! #NCISLA #THREEHEARTS
@lnapoli06 W/ huge thanks to #adamrex @WhoIsMattCarter #CJGoldman. The team that makes us all look so Good! Much gratitude to you all!
.@lnapoli06 Production Coordinator extraordinaire! Keep the tech scout on schedule #NCISLA #bestcoordinator pic.twitter.com/YzBYb85ahu
View of the pool house. Tech Scout Ep#520. #ncisla pic.twitter.com/evOHq5Va9V
.@Ladydi2000 discussing shots with 2nd AD, Hillary. Tech scout e520(21) #NCISLA w/@Harimoto pic.twitter.com/PUUIl2ODEI
@jpkouz @Ladydi2000 @Harimoto JPK, you're the best EP, but a bad photographer.
I say that with peace and love.
@jpkouz Forgot to add you're a great director. Full disclosure.
@Miguel_J_Ferrer @Ladydi2000 FULL Director! No mistake about it!
Our writers scouting it out. #ncisla pic.twitter.com/LMcDU1gElU
Rise & Shine @harimoto & I stoked to be lunching w/ the EXTRA SPECIAL guest star debuting in our upcoming NCISLA episode "Three Hearts"!
John Peter Kousakis @jpkouz
.#jpkteaser The Box E520(21). What's in it? @davekalstein &@Harimoto won't tell ME!#staytuned Densi connections continue 2 entwine! #NCISLA
@davekalstein and @ladydi2000 -- halfway through our Department Head Meetings for 520 #NCISLA http://instagram.com/p/k-WkSkI5f1/
Stunt coordinator, Troy Brown. Working out some exciting action w/@Ladydi2000 @Harimoto @davekalstein @RafaelKayanan pic.twitter.com/IeR9Was8Ev
.@Harimoto mastermind behind the action sequence e520. #watch4it #staytuned #NCISLA pic.twitter.com/X65o72m7jg
John Peter Kousakis @jpkouz Feb 28
.@Ladydi2000 and @davekalstein Director is explaining her shot design to @RafaelKayanan ...so #staytuned 4 action! pic.twitter.com/p8HlZOHkAA
He's on the case @chadwmurray pic.twitter.com/wzHvqGlSkX
@jpkouz That beard is clearly not long enough. It is being dwarfed by those pencils!
Rewriting a @davekalstein scene from E520(21) @Harimoto #bestwritersinhollywood Scout complete @Ladydi2000 is rocking pic.twitter.com/Fp8WOH7GDh
#NCISLA Partners in crime. jpkous and @ladydi2000 -- Big eps need big locations. #90210 #BenedictCanyon http://instagram.com/p/k7mt2eo5Ud/
Kyle Harimoto @Harimoto
First day of location scouting for #NCISLA 520 and our Director Diana Valentine rocked red boots. It's… http://instagram.com/p/k5FNPFo5SM/
@davekalstein @Harimoto the scribes of E520(21) Two of the best! #NCISLA #bestwritersinhollywood pic.twitter.com/Fy0o0r4Cl3
Concept meeting e520(21) complete! @Ladydi2000 will ROCK it! #staytuned #ncisladelivers #BestCrewInHollywood
This is happening. #NCISLA pic.twitter.com/kzV5lSXnSV
Rise n' shine... @Harimoto & I just turned in our script for NCISLA Ep. 520. Two words: GAME. CHANGER.
#jpkteaser Watch for the dynamic&charismatic actor guesting E520(21) One cool dude! @davekalstein & @Harimoto NEVER disappoint! #staytuned
#Happy weekend. E519(20) begins Monday. Prep on e520(21) begins Tuesday @Ladydi2000 at the helm, written by @davekalstein @Harimoto #NCISLA
Good News! Deep into script for NCISLA Episode 520 w/ @Harimoto and we're still friends. Better News! Badass new character makes his debut.
John Peter Kousakis @jpkouz
#staytuned 4 another outstanding episode by2 of our best @Harimoto @davekalstein Directed by @Ladydi2000 #keepwatching #NCISLA #jpkteaser
Kyle Harimoto @Harimoto
@Harimoto @davekalstein Jealous...but happy for @Ladydi2000 Stellar team!
Magic Hour at Paramount Studios: @Harimoto & I nail down story for NCISLA Ep. 520 while @RafaelKayanan observes. pic.twitter.com/6E0E0qsBfY
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