One of the best episode this season. Its personal to the warrior spirit within us, when we are an on a mission to win what shall make us happy. Several Meanings and all of them lead to the same meaning : Religious Meaning - traitors who are frozen in the lake and can spend eternity lamenting - from Dante's Inferno - Canto 33. And elsewhere I read, how crazy it is. Check this out. - this-is-why-you-dont-drive-on-random-frozen-lakes
As Kensi explains. Frozen Lake is the emotional weakness of the heart, that causes one to run after his one redemptive desire symbolized as present on the surface of the frozen lake right in the middle, that shall secure his emotional vulnerability; but running over the ice can dangerously crackle the ice around himself that can potentially implode him down into the lake to be trapped forever. And Deeks gets to know from Jamadar Thapa, that Heart needs discipline to control our emotional vulnerability. "Without discipline there is no honor. Without honor we are nothing." The way we can cross over the Frozen Lake is by not running but walking slowly, looking at everything, taking time and the thing we want will be waiting for us on the other side.
As Kensi explains. Frozen Lake is the emotional weakness of the heart, that causes one to run after his one redemptive desire symbolized as present on the surface of the frozen lake right in the middle, that shall secure his emotional vulnerability; but running over the ice can dangerously crackle the ice around himself that can potentially implode him down into the lake to be trapped forever. And Deeks gets to know from Jamadar Thapa, that Heart needs discipline to control our emotional vulnerability. "Without discipline there is no honor. Without honor we are nothing." The way we can cross over the Frozen Lake is by not running but walking slowly, looking at everything, taking time and the thing we want will be waiting for us on the other side.
Tumblr Gifs -reblogged posts go-unarmed
Essentially, The Frozen Lake is metaphorically the lake that Deeks has crossed to be with Kensi. They get official to become Densi. From last three seasons since season 2, Deeks and Kensi have been going on with their banter and the 'thing' they have for each other. It was time, that slow walk led to Kensi accepting Deeks advances! Deeks and Kensi belong together. Everyone knows about this. But there always comes that tangible point where articulation and commitment of the same should take place. And that is what Frozen Lake is about. Kensi calls it as "Our Thing" and rolls the dice for Densi to go official !! It was much awaited moment indeed and time for celebration! And what gets emotional is that there is convergence of Deeks and Max Gentry persona for Kensi to fully embrace Max, Deeks' alterego and reclaim Deeks affection for her by calling out the Fern character within her, the pet name given by Deeks for her. They both fully accept each other's desirable and undesirable traits, strengths and weaknesses and commit themselves to each other. Further, Kensi's giving away her knife as protective totem to Deeks, binds them spiritually together. Kensi, by giving away her father's knife, seemed to mean, "What I loved most as my family, my father, his spirit took care of me; now by giving this to you, he shall take care of you". On the receiving side, it also means to Deeks as if Kensi is saying, "You are now in my inner circle, my family, my most cherished treasure".
Apart from these commitments and entrusting of self to each other, Kensi and Deeks undergo the challenge of the warrior discipline when conflicted with heart's desire. They are partners at work and now becoming partners otherwise. How can they stop themselves being the conflict for the other to keep the discipline? Kensi seems to struggle with it in the beginning after seeing the consequence of the conflict. Deeks in the beginning of the episode, while saving Kensi, he causes a failing in the mission when he lets go of the target who holds Kensi as hostage, showing that emotions took control of his heart and he lost the mission objective. By the end of the episode, Deeks walks into hostage situation himself when he walks in to rescue his partner Thapa. Not only his life is at risk, Deeks is asked at gunpoint to prove his loyalty by killing his partner. Its a toughs spot Deeks is in and he has to wait for back-up to arrive. But Kensi, sensing danger for Deeks, breaks the protocol and runs in to cover him. With the arrival of backup, Deeks makes swift moves, takes down T's two men and herself. By doing so he even saves Kensi. In the end he proves to Kensi that they can become be both partners at work and otherwise as long as they have the objective and role play clear about what role they are playing. Kensi loves men with those brave, warrior like qualities. It is a situation that is incredibly an attractive proposition for her if she were to watch with observing mind. But here, for her, Deeks was not the brave man, but an honorable man ready to sacrifice himself to redeem the mission. Probably that becomes so endearing to her, apart from the fact that Deeks was also happy of her accepting him. She cannot but feel proud of him and commits herself to their relationship. She starts to acknowledge that she might need time and talking to get it all right, but she feels confident that Deeks is there to help her.
Trusting the Partners - Story plot and Marty Finch
Dave Kalstein used the Marty Finch undercover story from a previous episode 2x08-Bouty where Hetty was narrating a made up story about the same kind about Callen and Sam's partnership to develop trust between Kensi and Deeks. That story was about trust between partners where Callen or Sam is asked to shoot the other to prove loyalty towards their cover. Dave Kalstein wrote the same for Deeks and his two partners Thapa and Kensi. He used the same Armenian Mob, shoot reference. Earlier in 3x14-Partners, he uses the almost same plot for Sam and Callen. Seems, this is a repeat formula for Dave Kalstein. It is one of the best undercover that Deeks got till date that represents what he is truly.
The Densi Story Arc Elements
Dave Kalstein brought a meaningful acceptance for the Densi backstopping planted in Deeks and Kensi’s stories throughout. Fern, Baby Girl in 1x20-Fame by writer Speed Weed, then “The Thing. A Thing and No Thing” from 2x22 Plan B, jointly written by Joseph C Wilson and DaveKalstein, which also happened to introduce Deeks alter ego character Max; that also releases Kensi’s feelings for Deeks. Thing turned into “Our Thing” in 3x10 The Debt written again by Dave Kalstein. That episode also lead to Blye K Episodes in season 3x16 & 3x17 which present Kensi’s backstory about her father and how he called her his Baby girl. Those episodes were written by Joseph C Wilson and Dave Kalstein. The last circling item in this episode was the way Deeks was touching his nose when finally Kensi promises to Deeks that they shall work on their Thing by talking about it more and more. Deeks has a characteristic trait introduced in Episode 3x22 NeighbourHood written by Christina M Kim where he informs Kensi and us; that he has a tendency to touch his nose when he is happy. And in this episode, he cannot stop touching his nose after the Our Thing scene. That touching of the nose scene was also in Episode 4x14 The Chosen one by Gil Grant and Cheo Hodari Coker, as Kensi hits Deeks for real in the car in response to his comment, that she doesn’t mean to hurt him in real sense when saying mean things and only hits him cause she likes him that much”. Its that episode of Doppleganger Aquarium. go-unarmed
Essentially, The Frozen Lake is metaphorically the lake that Deeks has crossed to be with Kensi. They get official to become Densi. From last three seasons since season 2, Deeks and Kensi have been going on with their banter and the 'thing' they have for each other. It was time, that slow walk led to Kensi accepting Deeks advances! Deeks and Kensi belong together. Everyone knows about this. But there always comes that tangible point where articulation and commitment of the same should take place. And that is what Frozen Lake is about. Kensi calls it as "Our Thing" and rolls the dice for Densi to go official !! It was much awaited moment indeed and time for celebration! And what gets emotional is that there is convergence of Deeks and Max Gentry persona for Kensi to fully embrace Max, Deeks' alterego and reclaim Deeks affection for her by calling out the Fern character within her, the pet name given by Deeks for her. They both fully accept each other's desirable and undesirable traits, strengths and weaknesses and commit themselves to each other. Further, Kensi's giving away her knife as protective totem to Deeks, binds them spiritually together. Kensi, by giving away her father's knife, seemed to mean, "What I loved most as my family, my father, his spirit took care of me; now by giving this to you, he shall take care of you". On the receiving side, it also means to Deeks as if Kensi is saying, "You are now in my inner circle, my family, my most cherished treasure".
Apart from these commitments and entrusting of self to each other, Kensi and Deeks undergo the challenge of the warrior discipline when conflicted with heart's desire. They are partners at work and now becoming partners otherwise. How can they stop themselves being the conflict for the other to keep the discipline? Kensi seems to struggle with it in the beginning after seeing the consequence of the conflict. Deeks in the beginning of the episode, while saving Kensi, he causes a failing in the mission when he lets go of the target who holds Kensi as hostage, showing that emotions took control of his heart and he lost the mission objective. By the end of the episode, Deeks walks into hostage situation himself when he walks in to rescue his partner Thapa. Not only his life is at risk, Deeks is asked at gunpoint to prove his loyalty by killing his partner. Its a toughs spot Deeks is in and he has to wait for back-up to arrive. But Kensi, sensing danger for Deeks, breaks the protocol and runs in to cover him. With the arrival of backup, Deeks makes swift moves, takes down T's two men and herself. By doing so he even saves Kensi. In the end he proves to Kensi that they can become be both partners at work and otherwise as long as they have the objective and role play clear about what role they are playing. Kensi loves men with those brave, warrior like qualities. It is a situation that is incredibly an attractive proposition for her if she were to watch with observing mind. But here, for her, Deeks was not the brave man, but an honorable man ready to sacrifice himself to redeem the mission. Probably that becomes so endearing to her, apart from the fact that Deeks was also happy of her accepting him. She cannot but feel proud of him and commits herself to their relationship. She starts to acknowledge that she might need time and talking to get it all right, but she feels confident that Deeks is there to help her.
Trusting the Partners - Story plot and Marty Finch
Dave Kalstein used the Marty Finch undercover story from a previous episode 2x08-Bouty where Hetty was narrating a made up story about the same kind about Callen and Sam's partnership to develop trust between Kensi and Deeks. That story was about trust between partners where Callen or Sam is asked to shoot the other to prove loyalty towards their cover. Dave Kalstein wrote the same for Deeks and his two partners Thapa and Kensi. He used the same Armenian Mob, shoot reference. Earlier in 3x14-Partners, he uses the almost same plot for Sam and Callen. Seems, this is a repeat formula for Dave Kalstein. It is one of the best undercover that Deeks got till date that represents what he is truly.
The Densi Story Arc Elements
Dave Kalstein brought a meaningful acceptance for the Densi backstopping planted in Deeks and Kensi’s stories throughout. Fern, Baby Girl in 1x20-Fame by writer Speed Weed, then “The Thing. A Thing and No Thing” from 2x22 Plan B, jointly written by Joseph C Wilson and DaveKalstein, which also happened to introduce Deeks alter ego character Max; that also releases Kensi’s feelings for Deeks. Thing turned into “Our Thing” in 3x10 The Debt written again by Dave Kalstein. That episode also lead to Blye K Episodes in season 3x16 & 3x17 which present Kensi’s backstory about her father and how he called her his Baby girl. Those episodes were written by Joseph C Wilson and Dave Kalstein. The last circling item in this episode was the way Deeks was touching his nose when finally Kensi promises to Deeks that they shall work on their Thing by talking about it more and more. Deeks has a characteristic trait introduced in Episode 3x22 NeighbourHood written by Christina M Kim where he informs Kensi and us; that he has a tendency to touch his nose when he is happy. And in this episode, he cannot stop touching his nose after the Our Thing scene. That touching of the nose scene was also in Episode 4x14 The Chosen one by Gil Grant and Cheo Hodari Coker, as Kensi hits Deeks for real in the car in response to his comment, that she doesn’t mean to hurt him in real sense when saying mean things and only hits him cause she likes him that much”. Its that episode of Doppleganger Aquarium.
5X10 - The Frozen Lake
| One of the best episode this reason that totally enthralls us emotionally and that too in a natural manner. The story, the characters, the plot in all interweaved in homogenous emotion. Its gets personal for the warrior spirit within us, when we are an on a mission to attain what shall make us happy. The only solution being an honorable execution to attain the goal through poise and pace that we develop over years through discipline we keep for ourselves. Yes, its that same story of lost poise for Densi as they embark on a personal relationship, only to tumble down and regain that poise by determining an agreeable pace to keep their ship sailing smoothly. |
Dave Kalstein
| Dave Kalstein - Lover of Martial Arts. Is member of Forge Fighting. He is NCIS LA’s master backstopper for personal stories of its characters. He is the resident expert on Kensi’s character portrayal. He calls her his alter ego. And always, through his Kensi portrayal, he takes us close to Deeks to take a peek into his character which otherwise we would not have seen it. DaveK’s tools and skills are for Action Drama, Revelation of Past Lives and planting personal background setting to carry forward the story-arc for the character. Through Frozen Lake, Dave pays his tribute to Sayoc Kali. He is trained Sayoc fighter just like Kensi is. And this episode we had his mentor and friend Rafael Kayanan choreographic the Sayoc fights with Gurkha Soldier Jamadar Thapa played by Ernies Ryes Jr. Dave also backstopped Kensi’s Reassignation to Classified Mission “White Ghost” in order to take care of Daniela Ruah’s maternity leave. The Frozen Lake concept as I reacted to it emotionally I have written above in summary. (Non-Tabular read :)) or over my tumblr blog NCISLA_SD The most interesting thing is that Kensi is the Sayoc Trained fighter, wields knife and yet it is her, who is not given any chance to meet up Jamadar Thapa. Thapa has a fight sequence and interrogation scene with Sam and Scallen and joins Deeks in the mission to retrieve the Thumb Drive. Loved Thapa and Deeks bonding in the episode. Read the Densi story arc elements and Partnership Trust sub-plot, used by Dave Kalstein above. |
John Peter Kousakis
Episode Summary
| A Pentagon Officer is beheaded at a Naval Base in Bahrain and his recovery plan for Pakistan Nuclear missiles over a thumb drive is stolen by ISI Operatives, who frame the Indian Gurkha regiment as ones behind the killing and stealing of the Intel. | Don’t ask. I cannot fathom, why the ISI Operatives who steal the Thumb Drive in Bahrain’s US Naval base, decide to go to Los Angeles instead of straightaway flying back to their country. If we ignore that, it was a gripping emotional action sequence throughout. I am an Indian and was surprised for the first time watching NCIS Los Angeles that India and Pakistan relations also entered the Procedural Drama. And this time the ISI Operatives frame the Indian Gurkha Regiment who were providing the Security Cover to Pentagon Officer who got killed. Gurkhas have been known for their knife-wielding prowess and are extremely courageous. Soldiers from their regiment have won lot of Bravery Medals in India. Instead of me writing about Gurkha, I shall leave the interested readers to go over the Wiki Link . Its legit that the United States Navy employs Gurkha guards as sentries at its base in Naval Support Activity Bahrain. Indian Defence Ministry appointed Jamadar Thapa along with NCIS LA Agents in our show, work in parallel to clear the Indian Gurkha gaurd’s involvement in the killing and also retrieve the Intel on Pakistan Missiles in the Thumb Drive. The other stories running in parallel are 1) Densi grappling with fallout on their personal and professional relationship after they acknowledge feelings for each other the previous day. Like the CBS promo says, its them finding out the cost of crossing the line to be with each other like any girl and a boy. The whole episode is about the fallout of emotional spill and recovery of emotional control back into their professional and personal relationships just as they desire. 2) Granger coming up to Hetty and showing her the White Ghost Classified Mission that seems to be invoking for help from Hetty’s team that Granger could use. And Hetty reassigns Kensi to Granger’s mission, thus creating a heart-break for Deeks and Kensi, though they both seem to realize that its a Frozen Lake that they have to cross with patience, waiting and care if they want to be with each other as they wish. |
NCIS Personnel Highlights | Its that time when Shane Brennan had decided to separate Densi and its the time the separation was must for Daniela Ruah’s Maternity Leave. | It was a lovely for once to watch everyone concerned for Deeks and Kensi, the emotional turmoil they go through in the episode and the way none of them is judgmental and just hope that Densi sort out the issues they have. At the end of the day, if the mission is completed successfully all is well. And they can do nothing to change Hetty’s mind to let Kensi be with Deeks. Everyone gets to know that something happened between Deeks and Kensi last night especially with that Bullpen anomaly of seeing a hardworking Deeks, all tensed, sweaty, non-responsive to banter, not meeting his colleagues eyes and taking three coffees and seeing a Kensi in the same shirt again and the first time when Kensi and Deeks actually do not engage in entering each other’s conversations. I loved to watch Sam and Callen’s expressions as they figure out what may have happened between Deeks and Kensi and how they handle the situation very sensitively as elders in brotherly manner lending all the support they can to Deeks and Kensi resolve their issues. They are even able to keep Eric and Nell out of gossip and stop Hetty being judgmental about their team dynamics getting little in rough waters. |
Ops Manager
| Hetty Lange Owen Granger as Asst Director working on another case with Hetty. | Hetty was serious throughout the episode, giving cold treatment to Granger, Callen and most of the time to all team members as if something was weighing serious on her mind. And yet unkind as she seems in the episode, she is kind to Owen Granger’s efforts and promises her team’s standby support and also provides direct support by reassigning Kensi to his Classified White Ghost Mission. It is not clear whether she did it purposefully or not, but it seems natural that Kensi as The Trained and Skilled Sniper of the Unit was most suited for Missions that Granger usually handles. And when not with Granger, Hetty was checking on Densi dynamics, reminding Callen that his team needs to be mission ready at all times and reminding Deeks that he is in several problems that day. And yet she is the one to whom Deeks approaches when he makes up his mind on his redemptive efforts. Sometimes its difficult to fathom how emotionally close and trusting Deeks and Hetty are, but the way they interact is like Deeks would rather stay away from Hetty, but when he is dead serious like his life and death mattered, Hetty would be his his first point of contact for reason, help and mentoring. Deeks does not share his emotional issues with Hetty, but goes to meet her only after he has resolved and figured it out in his mind. And when this is in process, Hetty keeps worrying about him. I would really want an episode just between Hetty and Deeks to know what kind of relationship they. I know she is Little Mother to Deeks, but how much of it like going to a mentor or is like actually talking it out like a family member. The number of times Deeks is confident that Hetty would agree to his plan baffles me and also pleases me. |
Bull Pen Partnership -1
| This was an episode where I would not be able to write on Sam and Callen as the only word I have for them is how adorable they were. The maturity, the understanding they show towards Deeks and Kensi was so emotionally welcoming. For all the bad that Densi go throughout the mission, only these two are the kindred souls that let the other two get through their hard times. There are several lines, words from Callen and Sam that totally impress us. I would watch the episode again and again to watch their kindhearted feelings. What Hetty does or is being judgmental about Deeks and Kensi, Sam feels like explaining something to her and he refrains and Hetty notices that. And Callen exercises his emotional right on Hetty and accuses her of treating the team members as chess pieces at the end of episode when they see Hetty reassigning Kensi, making her take a plane without even letting her bid farewell to Deeks. Just loved these two Brother Bears. Very warm it felt under their protective fur-cover of understanding for the younger members of their team. |
Bull Pen Partnership -2
| The whole episode was about Deeks and Kensi and where do I start. In a nutshell, the last night seems to have gone on well between the two and then come to OSP separately. Kensi is in same shirt and Deeks has dark circles around his eyes and probably feeling sleepy as he has three coffee cups at his table. But after this as case starts, hell breaks loose on them. Deeks emotions take control of his head and all his protective instincts for Kensi go against the missions success. Deeks does not take his shot when Kensi is taken hostage, causing the bad man get away with the Thumb Drive (the purpose of the mission was to retrieve that thumb drive). Kensi is so angry that she hits him hard in his face. Kensi gets pessimistic and feels that their relationship cannot work as it is becoming a Frozen Lake to her that might destroy her. When Deeks accepts that his emotions messed up his head, they have this meaningful conversation that sets Deeks to get resolute to get their thing working. Here to save myself from quoting, I am providing you the text of that conversation. It is DaveKalstein’s script and his tweet. That lets Deeks make his connection with Thapa, the Gurkha who seems to him very much Kensi like- a warrior and a brave person ready to die for honour rather than be a coward. Callen per Hetty’s instructions, splits Kensi from Deeks, makes her his sniper and lets Deeks work with Thapa to take down the ISI Agent. But Thapa goes missing in action, making Deeks totally feeling responsible for the mission’s failure and takes it upon his shoulders to redeem himself for his mistake. He takes on the Undercover role of Marty Finch to nab Thapa at Talita’s meat joint. Talita Pembakian is an Armenian who can arrange Fake Passports for illegal reasons. She is known to shoot people in the head if she finds people from Law Enforcement. Its a dead zone area as far surveillance and Comms are concerned and pretty much the back-up team comprising of Callen-Sam and Kensi are left to worry in dark for Deeks. Kensi's emotions let her break the protocol and go hot in pursuit to become Deeks back-up before the stipulated time and rushes in to cover him. And that is a mighty save for Deeks as they both being seemingly reckless are actually quick, agile and aim their shots in split seconds to rescue Thapa, themselves and also the Thumb Drive. But what makes this winning feat so emotional for them is, how after the initial pessimism from Kensi and how after getting the hang of Frozen Lake concept, Deeks befriends Thapa, gets betrayed by him for trusting in him and yet keeps faith in Thapa’s sense of patriotism which only leads him closer to his mission of getting back the Thumb Drive. The other personal mission for him is to find out from Thapa, how can one cross the Frozen Lake, which he does get the knowledge by the end of the episode, which is the only reason, why he is able to withstand the heart-break caused to him by Hetty’s decision to split him and Kensi for Ops. And alongside doing all that Deeks also bolsters Kensi’s confidence in their “Thing” by actually making her walk through slight gestures of lightening up the seriousness of situation around her. He asks Kensi to pretend herself as not being Kensi and just a girl who happens to like a boy and has limitless possibilities of having fun together. Kensi really hearts it, calls herself as his Fern and from then on is not even one minute able to extricate herself from being involved in him and his welfare. She accepts him as Max, being the charmer he is, but also makes it clear that she still likes her boyfriend Deeks(lovely scene if you ask me!), gives Deeks her prized possession for his self-protection, her father’s knife, becomes his back-up breaking Callen’s protocol, retrieving the Thumb Drive, securing the mission completion and finally stopping Deeks to tell him that she thinks they can work out “Our Thing” through talking about it and that Deeks would need to be patient with her. She is all optimistic by the end of the episode. And isn’t that a wondrous feeling ! For more on Max reference, one can read my note here that was a response to another Densi Fan. What I loved throughout the episode for these characters are the manner in which Callen keeps watching Kensi bottling up her emotions and yet giving both Kensi and Deeks their time, the manner in which Sam is so protective and understanding of both Kensi and Deeks and has kind word for Deeks, how Callen asks Nell and Eric to work on the case rather than try have juicy details of what’s befallen Deeks and Kensi. Loved how Callen asks Kensi at the end of the episode, if she is waiting for Deeks and she has no problem saying Yes. Deeks and Kensi scenes were wonderful already. But again my favourites scenes were all with Deeks and others. Deeks & Thapa and Deeks & Hetty. Surprising it is that Deeks does not discuss his Undercover Plan with Callen or Sam, instead he discusses with Hetty, who already seems so distant from Deeks and yet by the end of the episode, Deeks is not the one to be any upset with Hetty even in his pain. I really do not get it why I liked the ending scene between Deeks and Hetty, but it was one of my fav scene. Probably it is because Hetty is taken to Deeks’s logical response to her emotional comment on Kensi’s present. Its suddenly as if Hetty’s warrior traits too showed up and her clouds are cleared through Deek’s clarity of mind. Who knows Kensi’s last item with Deeks is just a knife and that he may not have to gaurd it as hers but use it as a knife from a practical point, and what if Kensi never comes back from her mission, and yet through his heart-breaking moments, Deeks stoically asks his Boss if he has to know anything else. Hetty is totally beaten up by Deeks attitude and has only a smile and concerned words for him….Button Up Mr Deeks. Its cold out there. Here read the scene...from DaveKalstein’s script through his tweeted message and my thoughts on my other blog. I watched the episode like 4 times yesterday and even now I feel like watching it again. Do read my emotional summary of Frozen Lakes for Deeks and Kensi. Its actually just above this summary in this post. | |
Ops Room Partnership
| Eric and Nell - Nothing much except the fact that Eric interrupts a Densi moment this time. :) He is like the ambulance guy who too interferes Densi talk. Important point is even Nell and Eric know that something happened between Kensi and Deeks that has changed their relationship forever. |
| Gurkha service for the US Navy! Jai Maa Kaali | Knew Indian Military is posted on UN Peace Keeping Missions across the world. Did not know about Gurkha service for US Navy in Bahrain. And the laugh I had at that Gurkha war cry. Come On..Its the Jai Maa Kaali war-cry made famous by Amrish Puri in Hollywood Indiana Jones-Harrison Ford Movie and later used in Bollywood Karan Arjun Movie again with Amrish Puri in. Any Indian watching that would have laughed reminiscing all that. |
In crew's terms this is known as 509-106
The Production Crew has different numbers than what later became the air sequence. Season 4 Production Schedule had an extra episode shot which was telecasted as Unwritten Rule 5x05-101 in airing reality. This changed the sequence numbers for all the season 5 episodes either in terms of Season Episode number or actual episode number for show's grand total serial number. Frozen Lake realistically became 5x10-106 for Viewers.
Production Planning and Rollout - Prepping - 7 Business days days | Shooting -7 Business days | Post Production - 7 Business days | Promotions - 2 weeks before Air date
- Story writing/Script : 16th September to 8th October
- Sayoc Training for ErnieRyes Junior : 30th August onwards
- Table Read : Don't know when this happens
- Prepping - 9th October onwards to 20th October
- Concept Meeting : 10th October
- Departmental Meetings : During prepping time
- Location/Tech Scouting : 10th October to 17th October
- Shoot Schedule : 21st to 25th Oct , 1st November (actually shot during Halloween day as well)
- Post Production : 2nd Nov to 10th November
- Press Release : Photos - 14th November 2013 | Storyline - 21st November 2013
- Promotions: CBS after12th November, by actors from the time of shoot itself. Check for Jacqniv and EricChristianOlsen Pictures
- CBS2 Air Date : 26th November 2013
- CBS2 Rating :
Writer : Dave Kalstein
Sayoc Combat Choreography :Rafael Kayanan
Sayoc Combat Choreography :Rafael Kayanan
Director : John P Kousakis
1st Assistant Director : Eric A Pot
2nd Asst Director: Kevin Koster
Co Producer: Christopher J Molnar, Chad W Murray, Jordana Lewis Jaffe
Producer : Joseph C Wilson, Eric Whitmyre, Kyle Harimoto, David Bellisario, Rick Tunell
Producer : Joseph C Wilson, Eric Whitmyre, Kyle Harimoto, David Bellisario, Rick Tunell
Consulting Producer : Joe Sachs, Gil Grant
Supervising Producer : Dave Kalstein
Co-Executive Producer : Frank Military
Co-Executive Producer : Frank Military
Executive Producer : John Peter Kousakis, R Scott Jemmill
Assistants to Executive Producer : Chad Mazero , Samantha Chasse and Sarah K Mosse
Production Designer: Thomas Fichter
Director of Photography : Victor Hammer
Editing : Edward Salier ACE
Music : Jay Ferguson
Landslide Song at the end of the episode - Diane Birch recorded a cover for Landslide.
Unit Production Manager : Rick Tunell
Casting : Suzanne Bluestein. CSA|Jason Kennedy CSA
Casting Associates : Meredith Forney and Krysty Baxter
Costume Designer: Darry Levine
Art Director : Anthony Parrillo
Set Decorator : Michele Poulik
Property Master : Steven B Melton
Make-up Artist : Chris Burgoyne
Hair Stylist : Brooks Stenstrom
Production Coordinator : Laura P Napoli
Assistant Prod Coordinator : Adam Rex
Production Accountant : Mathew Klipper
1st Production Accountant : Dana Micahaelsen
Production Accountant : Mathew Klipper
1st Production Accountant : Dana Micahaelsen
Art Department Coordinator :
Location Manager : Tony Salome
Stunt Coordinator : Troy Brown
Special Effects Supervisor : Don Frazee
Production Sounds Mixer : David M Schneider
Construction Coordinator: Mike Brooks
Construction Assistant : Krista Schoenbaum
Transportation Coordinator : Dave Bassett
Script Supervisor : Diana Valentine
Script Coordinator : Jimmy Donchey
A Camera Operator : Russell McEllhatton
B Camera Operator : Terence Nightingall
Construction Coordinator: Mike Brooks
Construction Assistant : Krista Schoenbaum
Transportation Coordinator : Dave Bassett
Script Supervisor : Diana Valentine
Script Coordinator : Jimmy Donchey
A Camera Operator : Russell McEllhatton
B Camera Operator : Terence Nightingall
Gaffer : David B Jarell
Key Grip : Jeryll L Marshall
Key Grip : Jeryll L Marshall
Assistant Editor : Eric J Lucas
Post Production Supervisor : Dillom Gemmill
Sound Supervisor: Wilson Dyer MPSE
Post Production : Digital Film Tree
Post Production Sound : Larsen Studios
Re recording Mixer : Chris Haire CAS, Alexey Mohr
Online editor : jacob Tillman
VFX Supervisor : Dylan Chudzynski
Colorists : Patrick Woodard
Music Supervisor : Mark Wiki
ADR Supervisor : Jay Keiser
Sound Effects Editor : Kevin Fischer
Theme by : James S Levine
Technical Advisor : Osama Shofani USMC (ret)
Multi Media Coordination : Justin Maradiegue
Specialized Imagery, Software and Promotional Consideration : Furnished by Lockheed and Pictometry International Corporation
Toot the holiday horns! #NCISLA was the #1 scripted program of the week last week. #DensiConsequences
- Also: @erniereyesjr traveled to LA weeks before we started shooting to study script & start preparing for that epic fight…in my living room.
T-minus 3.5 hours to consequences... This is not one you wanna miss #ncisla
Awesome story about making tonight's epic fight! Yes that's @chrisodonnell & @llcoolj doing ALL of their own stunts. …
The much talked about Fight sequence
Chris O'Donnell and LL Cool J play badass federal agents on "NCIS: Los Angeles," but that bravery isn't just a front they put on for TV. Both men frequently perform their own stunts on the show, and during Tuesday's (Nov. 26) episode of the CBS hit, "The Frozen Lake," they both trained for a particularly complicated fight scene. Zap2it has an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the process.
"NCIS: LA" creator Shane Brennan tells Zap2it via email that O'Donnell and LL Cool J found out about the "Frozen Lake" sequence, which occurs when their characters enlist the help of a Gurkha, an elite Nepali soldier specializing in knife fighting, to retrieve a missing thumb drive, a week before shooting.
"Like all of the stunts on 'NCIS: Los Angeles,' this sequence was painstakingly planned down to the last detail by the writer, the director and the stunt coordinator," Brennan says. "Key to the fight choreography was Rafael Kayana, a Sayoc Combat specialist, who worked closely with our team. Chris, LL and guest star Ernie Reyes Jr. rehearsed the complicated fight sequence multiple times prior to filming."
Although the scene will only last a few minutes in the finished episode, a lot of time and effort goes into planning stunt sequences. "Hundreds of man hours go into planning, setting up and executing a stunt sequence like the one you see," says Brennan. "The catch word is safety. Every decision we make is aimed at reducing the element of danger for both the cast and crew. Safety is paramount. By painstakingly choreographing every physical move, the chances of injury or mishap is reduced to virtually zero. But sometimes, mistakes do happen."
Luckily, everything went smoothly during this fight. And O'Donnell and LL Cool J aren't new to the stunt world: They've both done hundreds of their own stunts before. "Both Chris and LL love to do as many of their own stunts as possible. Both are extremely fit and have hundreds of stunts under their belt," Brennan says. "If at any time they feel uncomfortable with a stunt, we bring in stunt doubles. In this sequence both Chris and LL were willing to do their own stunt work because of the enormous respect and confidence they have in our team. The end result is a spectacular, heart-stopping fight sequence... and just another day at the office for Chris and LL!"
Check out some behind-the-scenes pictures from the filming of the "Frozen Lake" sequence below and in this gallery, and watch the finished product tonight (Nov. 26) at 9 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.

Why is Deeks acting so weird? Weigh in w/ the CBS app & get #NCISLA extras when U Sync #Densi
Kensi punches Deeks in the face tonight at 9/8c. #NCISLA Sneak Peek:
26 Nov 13
Here's a behind the scenes look at tonight's episode on @NCISLA_CBS. Tonight at 9pm on #CBS…
Afore-tweeted @ETonlineAlert clip for tonight's episode... …
Stop the presses! Actors giving props to the writer in this new @ETonlineAlert clip! Only took five seasons @ericcolsen & @DanielaRuah ;)
Can Deeks and Kensi still work together in the face of danger? #NCISLA preview:
25 Nov 13
Probably my 2nd favorite scene in the episode! “@carigast: 2nd sneak from #NCISLA The Frozen Lake @ericcolsen @DanielaRuah @jpkouz"
@davekalstein @carigast @ericcolsen @DanielaRuah Ditto that, Mr. Kalstein! We made Keeks magic with that scene!
NCIS: Los Angeles Video - Deeks Meets Fern - …
NCISLA Familia! I'll be in the Twitter-sphere for the airing of "The Frozen Lake" tomorrow night. BOOM.
#NCISLA The Frozen Lake SNEAK PEEK!! Written by @davekalstein Directed by @jpkouz …
Will things get weird between Deeks and Kensi? #NCISLA First Look Photos:
FROZEN LAKE episode is about to air next week! Excited to be part of this one. Thanks @jpkouz & @davekalstein ! #NCISLA
@carigast @davekalstein making sure to add @erniereyesjr to success of E509! He made it ROCK SOLID!!!
@carigast You asked...I delivered. E509 is my proudest Ep. to date thanks to @davekalstein & #bestcastever #bestcrewinhollywood
#NCISLA E509 Spoiler...a shiny blade nearly takes G&Sam down. Plus...DO NOT miss the final scene. Airs 11.26.13 #happysaturdaynight
@Kim_bera @davekalstein Nov.26th.
Keeks fans, don't miss E509. @davekalstein best script ever! Keeks best performance. Guarantee, tears! #NCISLA @DanielaRuah @ericcolsen
Hmm...there's a #Sayoc scene in tonight's episode and that may be it... @NCISLAMagazine
They'll always be "Densi" to me. Episode 509 "The Frozen Lake" rocks. I know because I've seen the cut :) @jpkouz @DanielaRuah @ericcolsen
Happy birthday to @jpkouz AKA Director Kousese! Why are u location scouting w/ @Harimoto and not in post-production on "Frozen Lake"??? :)
@davekalstein @Harimoto Thx. Dave. Harimoto is the man. Waiting for the call to cut The Frozen Lake!!!
Love the writer-branding! “@ericcolsen: Happy birthday to one of our fearless leaders @jpkouz Can't wait to see your @davekalstein episode!”
To NCISLA Familia wondering about "The Frozen Lake": It's the most personal script I've written, hope it moves you the way it moved me.
Huge shout-out to childhood hero & adulthood colleague @erniereyesjr. Most talented guest star I've had on NCISLA. Gonna be a fan favorite!
Wrapped NCISLA Episode 509. Proud of cast & crew who brought "The Frozen Lake" to life. Best work yet for director @jpkouz (AKA "Kousese").
EP 509 will not disappoint thx 2 @davekalstein @Ladydi2000 @erniereyesjr and the Sayoc pros. #sayocrules Thx, Dave and Ralf!
You know it's Holiday season when the holiday cups are in!!! Happy 5.09 wrap day @jpkouz! @Starbucks #NCISLA ☕️🎄🎁🎃
Great to have worked with one of the best @erniereyesjr #NCISLA100
Just drinking my morning coffee with a friend on the set of #ncisla #Halloween…
E509 is cruising along nicely. Thx @davekalstein @Ladydi2000 @jacqniv @johnscottmills @GregGerardo and, #bestcastever #NCISLA 100
Monday morning up before the dawn. #ncisla #setlife #digitalimagetechnician @ Whiteman Airport (WHP)
#LindaHunt in the armory. E509 #NCISLA #bestcrewinhollywood #bestcastever @Ladydi2000 @davekalstein
NCISLA Episode 509; Day 2: 7:29 AM, Callen, Sam, & Hetty on Stage 9 and rehearsal for epic fight scene on Stage 8. I'd do this job for free.
Behind the scenes on E509 Thx, @davekalstein @Ladydi2000 #NCISLA100 #NCISLA #bestcrewinhollywood
Day2-E509. A good day will be had by all. #NCISLA #NCISLA100 #bestcrewinhollywood @davekalstein @Ladydi2000 @lnapoli06 @rtunell @Harimoto
Glad you're part of the team @erniereyesjr! Get some sleep tonight. Big day of work tmrw :)
Half day done on 1st day of E509. #NCISLA All going very well. Fans will be happy. @davekalstein
NCISLA Episode 509; Day 1 of 8: Gotta love shooting the last scene of the script first!
Tech scout E509. And away we go! #bestcrewinhollywood #NCISLA
Prep Day 3, E509. Scouting locations. Meetings begin to discuss details. #NCISLA100
Saturday workout complete. Prepping E509. #happysaturday #NCISLA100
And here we go...Day 2! Concept meeting. Scouting. Coming together with #bestcrewinhollywood @davekalstein #NCISLA
@Mfc2496Fatima E509 storyline is unprecedented!
Prep begins, right now, on E509. It's @davekalstein 's BEST! #NCISLA
@davekalstein looking forward to working on...The Frozen Lake. Dave and JPK will NOT...disappoint! #bestcrewinhollywood #bestfansonearth
NCISLA Episode 509's title is official: "The Frozen Lake". No time to explain, I've gotta finish writing it. G'morning, Act 3...
Who are @infidelwolfe & @ForgeFighting you ask? Two guys who know the REAL title of NCISLA Episode 509. ;)
More of my tribe joins Twitter: @infidelwolfe & @ForgeFighting. Don't know if their opinions represent CBS but they definitely represent me.
@davekalstein gets the green light to create the magic. E509 script is on it's way. We are ready to rock! #NCISLA #DK/JPKwillmakeyouhappy
NCISLA Episode 509: "INT. BULLPEN-MORNING. Deeks enters, sees Kensi, stops-" Me: 'Whoa! Remember when there was no Deeks? Is that possible?"
Title for Episode 509! "Baby Ninja Mutant Assassin Wikipedia In A Box A Thing You Mean Our Thing, Part 1". What do u think @DanielaRuah? ;)
In honor of NCISLA Table Read Day, some words from Nietzsche to prepare you for Episode 509: …
Hmm. In that case I better get writing. Let's see, Episode shall I name thee? No, seriously. I need a title. @DanielaRuah @jpkouz
Sunday spoiler: Deeks will be surprised by a Hetty decision he never saw coming. Mid-season. #watchforclues #NCISLA #thisS5willRock
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