Regarding reference to Max Gentry. I saw that as a closure to Max story arc for Kensi. She has been twice confounded with Max personality as she sees a Deeks in the Max undercover persona. That is inspite the fact that Deeks asks her not to mistake Max with Deeks. To some extent Kensi is right as she finds Max not so different from Deeks and he too accepts that Max is his alterego. So Kensi had felt weakest in her relationship with Deeks because of Max and her emotions when exposed to all, are laid bare of her feelings for Deeks and yet she is jealous that Max kissed or made love with some other woman. She acts too itchy and hurt about those two times. She wants it bad that Max reveal himself to the two women, so that there never exists anykind of lingering relationship with either Nicole or Monica. Deeks the second time around knows that Kensi might feel this way and is already prepared to have some kind of damage control. It is that same token of care towards Kensi when in Frozen Lake, Deeks matches Max against Fern; essentially importing to Kensi that Max may be the charmer for all women, but he too has been taken by Fern/Kensi. And Kensi, true to her character, would rather be loyal to Deeks and act pricy for Max even when playing Fern. Hence, the words, "its complicated, I have a boyfriend". Its practically a comfortable sphere that Deeks provided to Kensi, not to ever feel insecure that Deeks or Max will not have any romantic interest in Kensi.
Max Gentry was introduced by Dave Kalstein and Joseph C Wilson in Plan B and now Dave Kalstein has provided a closure towards the effect he has on Kensi. Now that their thing is official, Kensi should not feel bad ever for Deeks taking the Max undercover personality. Afterall Kensi too goes for seductive acts when in undercover, as seen in The Watchers of Season 3. The one issue Kensi might still have with Deeks is...him going undercover without her knowledge or anything about him, was not known to her. She has kept track of all Deeks things, inspite of her asserting that she is not interested in him and she does not take surprises with regards to Deeks kindly. Bottomline she is highy possessive about him and even in her anger about him in certain cases will have the deepest care and concern for him and will always feel bad if she did not care enough for him or become reckless if she did not hear about him for long.