Season 5

The Writing Scribe - Season 5
Crew - Season 5
Season 5 Spoilers, Interviews from the NCIS LA Scribe
Season 5 in 4 minutes - CBS Summary

#3 Drama -


Story Arcs
  1. Deeks -The Understated Action and Psychological drift end of Season 4 to Cold Opening of Seaon 5
  2. Tracking Callen's Identity and Lineage.
  3. PTSD and Recovery for Sam and Deeks
  4. The Marty Finch Undercover Story in 5x10 -The Frozen Lake
  5. Private Contractor D7
  6. The Afghanistan-Classified Mission about The White Ghost
  7. Eric Beale -The Smart Guy 
  8. Hetty - Grooming the Boys to become Gentlemen deserving her "Mister" 
  9. The Brotherhood: Between the Lines is the path to Allegiance 
  10. Captivity, Interrogation, Torture and Dehumanization 
  11. Nell in and on the Field 
  12. The Densi Graph across the seasons - The Watershed, The Deal-Breaker, the Ice-Breaker and the Catalyctic moments 
  13. The Human Response: When the Living itself is Belied
  14. Game for Game: Personal Vs Professional, Deeks Vs Hetty  
  15. The shockers of the season 5 for Densi Love Story - My guesses 
  16. Neric in Making 
  17. Densi - It's a Love Story -The punchline of Season 5 
  18. Deeks: What makes any pairing easy for him to handle? (new)

  1. 5x01-Ascension
  2. 5x02 Impact
  3. 5x03 Omni
  4. 5x04 Rezhnikov N
  5. 5x05 Unwritten Rule
  6. 5x06 Big Brother
  7. 5x07 The Livelong Day
  8. 5x08 Fallout
  9. 5x09 Recovery
  10. 5x10 Frozen Lake
  11. 5x11 Iron Curtain Rising
  12. 5x12 Merry Evasion
  13. 5x13 Allegiance
  14. 5x14 War Cries
  15. 5x15 Tuhon
  16. 5x16 Fish Out of Water
  17. 5x17 Between the Lines
  18. 5x18 Zero Days
  19. 5x19 Spoils of War
  20. 5x20 Windfall
  21. 5x21 Three Hearts
  22. 5x22 One More Chance
  23. 5x23 Exposure
  24. 5x24 Deep Trouble Part 1


Season 5 Topics
  • Regular Stuff: UAV technology (5x05, 5x09, 5x22), Islamic Jehadi Terrorism, Patriot Act, Cold War Saga continued (5x08, 5x18), Bosnia (5x03, 5x12), Romania (5x11), Russia (5x08, 5x18), Afghanistan (5x13 and 5x19), DrugCartels-Rehab&AlQueda Links (5x09, 5x16, 5x21, 5x24), Bounty Hunts (5x20)
  • Captivity, Interrogation, Torture and Dehumanization (5x01, 5x14, 5x19)
  • Private Contractors in Government Initiatives and War Crimes (5x02, 5x14, 5x18) 
  • Ex-Navy Servicemen and Extortion of National Security Intel technology through Kidnappings (5x05, 5x22, 5x24)
  • BigBrother-NSA Surveillance (5x06)
  • Compromising Civilian safeguards for enriching Corporation Profits (5x07)
  • Impact of Budget Cuts on Government Agency Funding (5x17)
  • Agent-ing Rules and Regulations. Once an Agent always an Agent. Cannot leave it. (5x05, 5x16, 5x21)
  • Sam accepts Deeks. (5x01, 5x03, 5x11, 5x13)
  • Callen finds who is his father (5x04)
  • Callen keeps searching for new interests in his life.(5x06, 5x09)
  • Sam and Michell find Callen a Date, which develops into Callen's love Interest. (5x14, 5x17, 5x23)
  • Sam and Callen -bromance and partnership - As merry as it gets. (All through the season)
  • Deeks expresses to Kensi that she is his safe place and he cares deeply about her.(5x01, 5x10, 5x21)
  • Deeks finds his way into a home beyond Kensi and Hetty, where now he has two Big Brothers (5x02, 5x03, 5x05, 5x06, 5x11, 5x12, 5x13, 5x16, 5x17, 5x18, 5x20, 5x24)
  • Kensi as unclear as ever, where she wants Densi to go. Stuck with boxes between a gone past and a possible future. (5x01, 5x02, 5x09, 5x10, 5x16, 5x17, 5x18, 5x19, 5x21, 5x24)
  • Densi (5x07, 5x09, 5x10, 5x21)
  • Nell Jones wants to be a Field Agent as well and has shown her skill at it. (5x05, 5x11, 5x12, 5x13, 5x14, 5x18, 5x20) 
  • Eric Beale proves to everyone again that he is the Smart Guy and that he is interested in Nell Jones.(5x02, 5x03, 5x05, 5x06, 5x14, 5x18, 5x20, 5x23)
  • Hetty and Creation of Ghost Identies - Tuhon, Paulo Angelo, Jack Simon (5x15, 5x21, 5x19)
  • Hetty and Nell (5x08, 5x18, 5x14, 5x20, 5x24)
  • Hetty and Sam (5x14, 5x19, 5x22)
  • Hetty and Wonder Twins (5x02, 5x19)
  • Hetty and Deeks (5x02, 5x05, 5x07, 5x10, 5x11, 5x12, 5x16, 5x17, 5x19, 5x20, 5x21)
  • Hetty and Kensi (5x03, 5x10, 5x12, 5x20, 5x24)
  • Hetty and Densi (5x09, 5x20, 5x21)
  • Hetty and her Past catching Up to Undo her.(5x08, 5x24)
  • Granger may be Hetty's undoing. Is it? (5x10 to 5x24)

My Season Ending Thoughts:
Its about resetting stories for New Season with a sense of balance sheet review of what was Season 5 was like. Scallen, Neric, Densi, Afghanistan, Hanger (Hetty+Granger), Love Story, The Brotherhood, Metaphors, Planes, Trains, Boats, Choppers and Submarine with regular stuff of Drones, Patriot Act, Interrogation, Secret Locations (Undisclosed Site) and Drug Cartels!

Season 5 actually ended with 5x21-Three Hearts. One needs to see that 5x22 begins from a fresh perspective of the Middle. The Start of the Middle, with established Scallen like family, with Callen getting grounded into love-life, Neric happening while Densi settle down into their relationship status quo, Hetty and Granger, fighting between themselves, who gets to keep the one and only boss's chair. Granger passes his time without a chair in the OSP for the whole season, sitting opposite until 5x24 when he finally gives a news to Hetty that she needs to leave.

Question really is...with that kind of Season 6 reset happening end of Season 5, what does Season 6 look like ?


Production News: Season 5 Extra Episodes for Season 6
6x01 Deep Trouble Part-2 (5x24 by Crew) Written by R S Gemmill and Directed by Dennis Smith
6x__ (5x25 By Crew) - Written by Frank Military and Directed by Chris O Donnell

Season 5 Production ends May 12th followed by a DGA Meeting. 2 Extra Episodes of Season 6 shot.

Last EP of Season 5 broadcast on May 13th 2014

May 6th - Click here Renee Felice Smith and Barret Foa present wine to entire crew

May 11th - NCIS LA Wrap Party. Click here for more Pictures

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